Friday, January 28, 2011

Harry Potter!!! (and a band-aid)

OK, all of you who even slightly know me, you know for a fact that I  LOVE to read. It's my favorite hobby. Now, the Harry Potter series; I was never dying to read it, but everyone said that it was the most amazing series ever, and I had nothing else, so I started it. And so began the hours of reading each and every day. I was mesmerized, the quality of the writing, the characters, the plot! I couldn't stop reading! (In fact, I finished the series in two months) I plainly can't tell you how much I LOVED that series. But now I'm done, and I can surely read the books from cover to cover over again, and it would be just as good, if not even more, but I would know what would happen. There's not as much excitement anymore. I get sad when I finish a series.... Oh! And another thing I admire about J.K. Rowling (the author of Harry Potter) is that she isn't afraid to let the important characters in her books die. I get so attached to the characters in my books, I don't want one to go. But when someone you love dies, it puts an unusual twist in the story line of life. (I'm not going to give anything away in case some of you read it); a character that I loved died. I must have cried for two days. But anyway, I'm now watching the movies, and they actually follow the books! A miracle! So, there you go! Maybe you'll read Harry Potter now if you haven't. It is the BEST! 

P.S. I learned how to make a band-aid online. See --> (::::[]::::). Cool! ;D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I got my cat!

I got my cat! Her name is officially Reese and she is living in the unfinished side of our basement (which isn't that bad!)  She got her own litter box (STINKY!) and her own dishes and her own little basket to sleep in! Plus mom got a HUGE bag of cat food, and if i know mom, she wouldn't buy a huge bag of cat food for a cat we might not keep. Or if she did get rid of it, we would at least keep the cat until the bag of food was out. So I basically got at least one month to keep her ;)! But I know that we are because mom said that she was pretty sure we were keeping it! I have to go to a banquet now so I'll talk later1 :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Look What The Cat Dragged In

Hi everyone! Sorry, how long has it been? I have ALOT to tell you, but I could never fit it all into one single blog. So I will just tell one major event. So can you guess? I might get a new kitten! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Exciting, right? Now I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I might not get her, but it's so hard not to get psyched! Let me tell you how I got my parents to even slightly agree with me:

One day at my church we were having 'Mom's Market' (which is basically one big yard sale, but inside) and there were 5 kittens there, and they were all free! They were the cutest things! I asked mom, and for some crazy reason, she considered it. But then she asked dad, and after a little discussing, I got a no, which was expected on such a short notice. Though they women selling them (who I knew) let me play with them to, hopefully, entice future customers (and it worked). I fell in love with one of the kittens, but I knew I would get another no, but at least I knew what kind of cat I wanted; playful, yet calm, and would agree to being held. My friend Jenna saw me playing with them and told me that her cat (she lives on a barn) had a litter of kittens and she was giving them away for free, and I told her that I wanted one. I asked my parents and they considered it. Next Sunday at church, Jenna gave me pictures. One night mom discussed it with me, saying it wasn't the best thing under the conditions, and the next night I showed her the pictures and had a little 'opera', and her heart softened a bit. Now we are back to considering. The main reason we can't just get one is (money) and mom is allergic, we think. But Jenna said we could test her out and give her back if it doesn't work out. Maybe I should give you her description: She's a calico, all white with three orangy-black spots on her back and one on her forehead. Her tail is completely orangy-black. She is CUTE! I'm thinking of three possible names, Noel, Bean, and Reese. Whenever I see a calico cat, I think of the name Coffee for no apparent reason, but Coffee just doesn't seem to fit her. (By the way, if you have name suggestions, please comment) I think that concludes this blog. Root for me, as the raging 'parent against kid and kitten battle' go's on! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Surprise City

WOW.... Has it been long, or has it been long? I have tons of loads of things to share but, lets just go one by one. Over summer break my dad and both sisters went on a trip to Montana for 2 and a half weeks, and most of the time my brother stayed in his room doing computery stuff, my mom worked, and I snacked and watched TV. But somewhere in the middle of all that was a trip to NEW YORK CITY; which I'd been looking forward to  for the whole summer!!! I could write a book on all we did, but I will stay with one highlight: going to see The Lion King on Broadway! It was so amazing and unique there is no amount of exclamation points to describe it! One really cool thing was that they weren't afraid to show the animal in the costume. In fact, it seemed like actually wanted you to see the human. For example, You know the bird in the Lion King; the one who works for Muffassah (is that how you spell it?) uh... Zazu!  (is that how you spell that?) all that it was was a man dressed up in a black and white suit, sort of like a joker, with powder on his face and a large bird for a puppet. I really liked him. He was funny and really good at acting. But anyway, back to the point, there was even one point where they took the bird puppet away and the man ran around. it was a amazing experience. I guess that concludes this post. Bye-bye!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Living Long!

Sorry! Its been so long! I have a lot to talk about, but I'll say one thing a blog. Over the weekend we set up trampoline. We put it away for the winter, but now its time to get it out! Its been hot, hot ,hot!! 75 degrees F.! We had to help dad with yard work. It was tiring, but after that we went to Rita's. Since it was the first day of spring on Saturday, a regular cup of water ice was free! They were selling new PEEPS flavored water ice. I got that. It was delicious! I turned 10 February 12th!!! How exciting! I have now officially lived a decade! I feel grown up! My parents only let us have birthday 'parties' when we turn 5, 10, and some other age. For this birthday party I did a 'Red Carpet' show. We actually got a red carpet, we all dressed up, and I interviewed them! We had cake and played games. I invited 10 girls over, so I got a lot of presents. Combined with my family gifts, I got a lot of gifts! I've got to go to school now, bye!  

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Exchange Your Student, Please

Wow! How long has it been since I wrote? Well, I finally got some news; We're getting an exchanged student! For those of you who don't know what an exchanged student is, I'll fill you in. An exchanged student is a kid who comes to your house from a different country, such as France or China or somewhere, and they spend time with your family. It could be two weeks or even a year. This is our third exchanged student. All of our exchanged students were boys, and they were all from France. I always get so excited when we get an exchanged student! Plus, all the exchanged students we've gotten have been there for my birthday! All of them stayed from February third to February eighteenth. My birthday is the twelfth. Exchanged students are so nice...I just can't wait!!    

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hi, me again. Seems like it's been forever since I wrote. My Mom's going to come back from Colorado on Tuesday. She's been calling me almost every day. I miss her.

All my siblings have 'jobs', which means they get payed. I have a job too-taking care of animals-but no one really called. But now my G'ma offered me a job. My G'ma is legally blind, so she can't read books that well. One part of my job is to read to her. I love reading to other people, so that part of the job is great. The other part is fine, just not my favorite thing to do. I help her clean her house. But I always have fun with my G'ma, so it's fine. My job is every Saturday, it just started last Saturday. I got payed 2.50! And for me that's a lot of money! I'm glad I got money, but mostly, I like spending time with my G'ma!